Super Meat Boy Hell Bandages

These are the locations of every bandage in Super Meat Boy, organized by chapter, light/dark world and level number. 'Warp zone' indicates the bandage is inside a warp zone in that level. See all the warp zones in Super Meat Boy.
Chapter 1: The Forest

Tofu Boy is a joke character in response to PETA's parody of Super Meat Boy, Super Tofu Boy. Tofu Boy is weaker than Meat Boy. He moves slower, does not jump as high, and has less distance from jumping off a wall. To stop playing as Tofu Boy, pause the game, and select another character. Glitch levels. Defeat the Boss of any chapter. Super Meat Boy. Global Achievements. Complete a single level of 'The Kids Xmas' chapter in super meat world. Demon Boy Complete the Hell Dark World. Super Meat Boy is a tough as nails platformer where you play as an animated cube of meat who's trying to save his girlfriend (who happens to be made of bandages) from an evil fetus in a jar wearing a tux.Our meaty hero will leap from walls, over seas of buzz saws, through crumbling caves and pools of.

Light World
1-5 Warp Zone: Sky Pup 1-1 – Bandage
1-7: Diverge – Bandage
1-11: Fired – Bandage
1-18: Altamont – Bandage
1-19 Warp Zone: Hand Held Hack 1-3 – Bandage

1-3X: BZZZZZ – Bandage
1-10X: Walls – Bandage
1-13X Warp Zone: Space Boy – Bandage
1-15X: Kick Machine – Bandage
1-19X: The Queener – Bandage
Chapter 2: The Hospital
Light World
2-5: Big Empty – Bandage
2-12 Warp Zone: Castle Crashers 1-1 – Bandage
2-13: Ulcer Pop – Bandage
2-15 Warp Zone: The Blood Shed 1-3 – Bandage
2-18: Destructoid – Bandage

2-4X: Blown – Bandage
2-5X Warp Zone: 1977 1-3 – Bandage
2-7X: The Moon – Bandage
2-12X: Grey Matter – Bandage
2-16X: P.S.Y. – Bandage
Chapter 3: The Salt Factory
Light World
3-2: The Salt Lick – Bandage
3-5 Warp Zone: Cartridge Dump 1-1: Bandage
3-7 Warp Zone: Tunnel Vision 1-1 – Bandage
3-10: Breakdown – Bandage
3-18: The Grundle – Bandage

3-3X: The Red Room – Bandage
3-6X: Not You Again – Bandage
3-8X Warp Zone: Kontra 1-2 – Bandage
3-14X: Salmon – Bandage
3-19X: El Topo – Bandage
Chapter 4: Hell
Light World
4-6: Leviathan – Bandage
4-8 Warp Zone: Brimstone 1-3 – Bandage
Super meat boy hell bandages video
4-13: Lazy – Bandage
4-14 Warp Zone: The Key Master 1-3: Bandage
4-17: Lost Highway – Bandage

Dark World
4-4X: Altered – Bandage
4-7X Warp Zone: MMMMMM 1-3 – Bandage
4-10X: Gallow – Bandage
4-18X: Sag Chamber – Bandage

5-1 Warp Zone: The Skyscraper 1-2 – Bandage
5-3: Ripe Decay – Bandage
5-9: Abomination – Bandage
5-12 Warp Zone: Sunshine Island 1-1 – Bandage
5-16: Rotgut – Bandage
5-20: Judgement – Bandage
Dark World
5-5X: Nix – Bandage
5-10X: Pulp Factory – Bandage

Meat Boy

5-17X: Millennium – Bandage
5-20X Warp Zone: Meat is Death 1-1 – Bandage

7-12X: Pink – Bandage