Super Meat Boy Larry

  1. Super Meat Boy Unblocked
Double Trouble
(With Another Larry Jr., Monstro, or Pin)
(With Sisters Vis)
Degraded Boss

Larry Jr. is one of the bosses that can appear in The Basement and the Burning Basement. He is amongst the most common to fight, particularly because he can appear on later floors as an enemy. He has 22 HP per segment ingame.

Behavior[edit | edit source]

Super meat boy larry king
  • Randomly moves around the room in lines, occasionally turning while dealing contact damage.
    • Colliding with an obstacle (rocks or poop) also causes Larry Jr. to turn.
    • Larry Jr. can change direction if one of its segments are destroyed.
  • Frequently spawns poop.
    • Poop spawned by Larry Jr. will never drop pickups, even when in possession of
      • Leaving the room and returning will make the poop generate pickups normally, however.
  • Larry Jr. segments can be split into smaller ones. As long as the new Larry Jr. segments are longer than 2 pieces, they will not be destroyed immediately.

Jan 25, 2018  Forums / Meat Boy series / Super Meat Boy / 17 Cycle Larry. OmniferousSwan OmniferousSwan. Manitoba, Canada OmniferousSwan OmniferousSwan 25 Jan 2018, 20:46: By far the worst luck I've ever had in this game. I barely even play but when I go for a Pb this happens.? P a c k S c i e n c e s P a c k S c i e n c e s. How Super Meat Boy bosses differ from your average platformer boss Because Meat Boy is simply a skinless boy (that's why salt kills him), he has no means of attacking. Instead, Meat Boy has to defeat bosses by running through obstacles, being quick, memorizing patterns, or by using the layout as an advantage.

Champion Versions[edit | edit source]

Green: Will occasionally shoot a tear in the direction it's facing, pausing momentarily as it does so.
Blue: Is larger and has more health, but moves more slowly and does not leave poop behind. This version always drops a Soul Heart when defeated.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Larry Jr. ingame.

  • Larry Jr. as one of Delirium's forms.

Arena[edit | edit source]

When fighting Larry Jr., he can spawn in the following combinations:

  • 1 body with 8 segments (+ 6 rocks & 12 poops)
  • 1 body with 8 segments (+ maze made from 14 rocks)
  • 1 body with 8 segments (+ maze made from 18 rocks)
  • 1 body with 9 segments
  • 1 body with 9 segments (+ 6 rocks & 4 urns)
  • 1 body with 13 segments
  • 1 body with 4 segments & Grub with 4 parts (+ 6 rocks)
  • 1 body with 5 segments & Grub with 4 parts
  • 1 body with 3 segments & 2 bodies with 4 segments
  • 2 bodies with 3 segments & 2 bodies with 2 segments
  • 2 bodies with 4 segments
  • 2 bodies with 4 segments (+ 10 rocks)
  • 4 bodies with 2 segments (+ 3 rocks in the middle)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • The doesn't reroll Larry Jr.'s poop.
  • Destroying Larry Jr.'s poop with will cause it to explode.
  • Piercing tears make fighting Larry Jr. much easier, as each tear can damage multiple segments.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Larry Jr. appeared in the original The Binding of Isaac.
  • The Hollow is the posthumous version of them.
  • Larry Jr. is an allusion to Larries' Lament, the name for a group of bosses in Edmund McMillen's game, Super Meat Boy.[1]
    • Not only do they look similar but smaller Larries came from a dead Larry in the Super Meat Boy credits. This a strong indication that those smaller Larries and Larry Jr. are the same.
  • In battle, Larry Jr. seems to be crying and have blood on the lower belly of his body, unlike the splash screen before the fight.
  • Larry Jr. might be a reference to the centipede enemies from the 1980 arcade game Centipede.

Chapter 1
Blighted Ovum • Dingle • The Duke of Flies • Famine • Fistula • Gemini • Gurglings • The Haunt • Larry Jr. • Monstro • Pin • Steven • Widow • The Fallen • The Headless Horseman
Dangle • Little Horn • Rag Man • Turdlings
Chapter 2
Carrion Queen • C.H.A.D. • Chub • Dark One • Gurdy • Gurdy Jr. • The Hollow • The Husk • Mega Fatty • Mega Maw • Peep • Pestilence • Polycephalus • The Wretched • The Fallen • The Headless Horseman
The Forsaken • The Frail • The Stain
Big Horn • Rag Mega
Chapter 3
The Adversary • The Bloat • The Cage • The Gate • Gish • Loki • Mask Of Infamy • Monstro II • War • The Fallen • The Headless Horseman • Mom
Sisters Vis
Chapter 4
Blastocyst • The Bloat • Conquest • Daddy Long Legs • Death • Lokii • Mama Gurdy • Mr. Fred • Scolex • Teratoma • Triachnid • The Fallen • The Headless Horseman • Mom's Heart • It Lives
Sisters Vis • The Matriarch
Blue Womb
Chapter 5
Satan • Isaac
Chapter 6
??? • The Lamb • Mega Satan
The Void
Greed Mode
Ultra Greed
Ultra Greedier

Super Meat Boy Unblocked

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Retrieved from ''

I know that I will never be politically
And I don't give a damn about my lack
of etiquette
As far as I'm concerned the world could
still be flat
And if the thrill is gone, then it's time
to take it back!
If the thrill is gone, then it's time to
take it back!
Who am I? Why am I here?
Forget the questions! Someone gimme
another beer!
What's the meaning of life? What's the
meaning of it all?
You gotta learn to dance before you
learn to crawl!
You gotta learn to dance before you
learn to crawl!
So sign up all you raw recruits
Throw away those designer suits
You got your weapons cocked and your
targets in your sight
There's a party raging somewhere in
the world
You gotta serve your country, gotta
service your girl
You're all enlisted in the armies of the
And I ain't in it for the power,
and I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything
at all,
and I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it 'till it's over and I just
can't stop
If you wanna get it done, you gotta do
it yourself,
and I like my music like I like my life
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than - everything
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than - everything
(wasted youth - wasted youth, ah)
(wasted youth - wasted youth, ah)
They got a file on me and it's a mile
long and they say that they got all of
the proof,
that I'm just another case of arrested
development and just another wasted
They say that I'm in need of some
radical discipline, they say I gotta face
the truth,
that I'm just another case of arrested
development and just another wasted
They say I'm wild and I'm reckless
I should be acting my age
I'm an impressionable child in a
tumultuous world,
and they say I'm at a difficult stage
But it seems to me to the contrary, of
all the crap they're going to put on the
that a wasted youth is better by far
than a wise and productive old age!
A wasted youth is better by far than a
wise and productive old age!
A wasted youth is better by far than a
wise and productive old age!
A wasted youth is better by far than a
wise and productive old age!
A wasted youth is better by far than a
wise and productive old age!
(louder, louder, louder, louder, louder!)
If you want my views of hist'ry, then
there's something you should know;
the three men I admire most are Curly,
Larry and Moe!
If you don't worry about the future,
sooner or later it's the past
And if they say the thrill is gone, then
it's time to take it back
If the thrill is gone, then it's time to
take it back!
So sign up all you raw recruits
Throw away those two-bit suits
You got your weapons cocked and your
targets in your sight
There's a party raging somewhere in
the world
You gotta serve your country, gotta
service your girl
You're all inducted in the armies of the
And I ain't in it for the power,
and I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything
at all,
and I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it 'till it's over and I just
can't stop
If you wanna get it done, you gotta
fight for yourself,
and I like my music like I like my life
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than everything else!
Everything louder than - everything