Super Meat Boy Level 5

Play as Tofu Boy. Select a level, then type 'petaphile' at the character selection screen. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Select Meat Boy to play as Tofu Boy. Note: This code does not work on Glitch levels, Boss levels, or Warp Zones. Tofu Boy is a joke character in response to PETA's parody of Super Meat Boy, Super.


Pictures by Jackie Lee

Hello and welcome, fans of old school gaming, to XBLA Fans’ Super Meat Boy Bandage Guide. Getting all the bandages in Super Meat Boy will unlock some secret characters and serve as undeniable proof of your platforming prowess. This guide will help you find whatever bandages you’ve missed, or tell you how to get that one you can’t seem to reach.

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Super Meat Boy Newgrounds

Warp Zone: The Skyscraper 2
The first bandage in Chapter 5 is another “beat the level twice” bandage. The key near Bandage Girl will unlock the way to the bandage, which is back at the beginning of the level.

Warp Zone: The Skyscraper 3
As long as you’re careful, this bandage shouldn’t be bad. Just carefully hop up and get it.

5-3: Ripe Decay
As you’re transferring between the two magnets, land on the platform between them. Once you’ve landed, just jump towards the rightmost aiming for just above the magnet. Since the closer you get to the magnet, the stronger its repulsive force is, you should get repulsed with enough force to send you up and over the saw.

5-5: Panic Switch
For this bandage, don’t hit the titular switch at the start. Jump up the wall on the right and then wall jump off to the left to grab the bandage (make sure you hold run).

5-9: Abomination
This bandage is hidden in the tower in front of your spawn. Climb up the wall and slide down until you disappear into the wall. The bandage is completely hidden from view, along the ground between the two saws.

5-12: 10 Horns
This bandage is in the pit before bandage girl, towards the bottom. Since you have to fall a fair vertical distance before making it back to solid ground, you’ll have to use The Kid or Flywrench to get this one.

Warp Zone: Sunshine Island 1
Use the kid or flywrench in 5-12: 10 Horns to jump on top of the island just above where you start. To get this bandage just make a running jump from the start, aiming for right below the saw. Then just quickly wall jump up and around the saw and you should get the bandage. Otherwise you can just wall jump up the right side as per usual. You should be able to running jump out over the saw, grab the bandage, and be able to fall back on the platform where you started. Don’t make a crazy one-way jump off the platform, because the trek back is annoying.

Warp Zone: Sunshine Island 1-3
There isn’t too much of a trick for this bandage. You can either get to it by going around the top, then sliding down the shaft when you snag the key, or you can just wall jump off the sand blocks underneath the bandage. If you try the latter route, hold run as you make your wall jump and don’t press right until you’ve cleared the lip above you. Once you have the bandage, make sure you don’t try to clear the gap from within your little alcove: slip down the wall outside and wall jump across the chasm. If you don’t, you’ll hit your head and won’t get the distance you need.

5-16: Rotgut
This level in general is crazy easy with The Kid or Flywrench, because both can jump through the two magnets to the left of Bandage Girl. On your way through, make sure you grab the bandage.

5-18: Gate of Ludd
Use Jill for this bandage. Climb up the left wall and wall jump from above the saw: that should give you enough height to grab the bandage. From here you can use Jill’s air brakes to easily hover on one of the magnets while you wait for the lock blocks to open.

5-20: Judgement
This bandage looks downright impossible to get at first. The slight trick here is to approach the bandage from the left. As soon as the blocks start to disappear, hop down to the bandage and back out again. Make sure you run, or else the inhabitants of the bandage pit will blow you up.

5-4X: Alabaster
This bandage is located towards the base of Bandage Girl’s tower. just slip down between the saw and the wall and it’s not difficult to pick it up. When you’re wall jumping back to the right, however, make sure you jump well under the magnet: if you wall jump into its field, it’ll spike you down into the pit.

5-5X: Nix
While you have to be quick to get this bandage, it isn’t too bad. It’s actually right below where you spawn. Hit the switch and wait for the bridge to disappear. As soon as you can, fall below the bridge and hang right—there are saws to the left. Once you get the bandage, hurry back up before the bridge reappears.

5-8X: Downer
This bandage is ridiculously hard to get unless you’re very, very familiar with dodging all the saws. Unfortunately, the bandage is is in an area of particularly high saw density. Make sure to stay towards the center of the screen as you approach to make sure you have the time necessary to grab it.

5-10X: Pulp Factory
It’s pretty obvious what you have to do to get this bandage—collecting all four keys—but executing the plan is a bit tricky. The Kid is probably best suited for this level, since he can spend so much time hovering in the key drop zone. As you’re catching keys, be sure to lure any and all explosive jerks into the pit so they don’t swarm you. If you miss a key, be aware you can catch it as it bounces off the floor.

5-11X: Blight
Like the above bandage, this one is significantly easier with The Kid. With the Kid you can run, hit the first button, jump towards the magnet, and use your second jump to hit the second button. You should have enough height to make it up and around to Bandage Girl in record time. Jump over her and drop down the hole to the right. You’ll fall into the little room with the bandage and a few bad guys. Since they’ll be running into the wall trying to get you, you can just run forward and fall over their heads and onto the bandage. Once you’ve gotten the bandage, jump off the left wall and head back through your hidden entryway. There’s a button there that re-opens the way to Bandage Girl.

5-17X: Millennium
This bandage requires some artillery. The bandage itself is in the ground, betwen the second two 4-way cannons and just before the button. What you want to do is stand between the rightmost 4-way cannon and the button enclosure. Then wall jump off the enclosure to make the missile launcher off to the right shoot at you. Try to land right between the 4-way cannon and the button enclosure. If you do, the missile’s soft homing should cause it to slam into the ground right where you want it to. Once the blocks are out of the way, the bandage is an easy pick-up.

5-18X: Stain
This level is a bit insane because there’s so much to pay attention to. Fortunately, getting the bandage will also let you sneak an easy win. Get the key and then head to the lower left corner. As the saws rise, so will the bandage: it’s to the left of the saw line. If you stand in the bottom left corner, not only will you dodge the rising saws and have a safe place to stand while the lock blocks disappear, but the bandage will deliver itself to you. You won’t even have to move. What a great day.

Warp Zone: Meat is Death 1
The last two bandages in Rapture are fan puzzles. For the first level in thsi warp zone, let the fan blow you up the wall to the left of the bandage. As you ride up the wall, jump across to get the bandage.

Eat Super Meat Boy Level 5

Warp Zone: Meat is Death 2
This easy bandage will finish off your Rapture set. As with magnets, jumping in close to the fan will propel you higher. Just hop onto the fan, hold run, and aim for the bandage. If you mess up, the platform where you spawn doubles as a safe landing pad.

Pictures by Jackie Lee

Hello and welcome, fans of old school gaming, to XBLA Fans’ Super Meat Boy Bandage Guide. Getting all the bandages in Super Meat Boy will unlock some secret characters and serve as undeniable proof of your platforming prowess. This guide will help you find whatever bandages you’ve missed, or tell you how to get that one you can’t seem to reach.

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Need help on a different world? Check out our other guides:

3-1: Pit Stop – Bandage
This bandage is squirreled away on top of the roof. Just wall jump up there are you should see it between two saws. Line yourself up for a quick hop and you’ll walk away one bandage richer.

3-2: The Salt Lick
All you have to do to get this bandage is be a little brave: take a jump into the open pit below where you start. Assuming you don’t hit any salt along the way, it’s an easy Bandage Get.

3-4: Transmissions
You have to unlock either Ogmo or The Kid if you want this bandage. Jump down the hole and use your second jump to get back up. Easy bandage.

Warp Zone: Cartridge Dump 1
Finding this warp zone (wait for a few seconds in 3-5: Uptown and you’ll see the key drop) is the easy part; getting this bandage is going to take a lot of trial and error. The way to get the height necessary is by wall jumping off the inside edge of one of the two single blocks. Try to jump as soon as you grab the wall, and hold back initially or else the height of your jump will come after the bandage.

Warp Zone: Cartridge Dump 3
You get this bandage the same way as the one above, only it’s significantly easier because you have a longer wall to slide down: failure doesn’t result in automatic death. Just jump onto the inside edge of one of the two walls and immediately jump off.

Warp Zone: Tunnel Vision 1
Once you’ve Commander Video’d your way to this warp zone (found in 3-7: Mind the Gap) the bandages are straightforward—if a bit tricky. The first and third levels are mirror images of each other, and both bandages require some precise wall jumping. For this first one, slide all the way to the very bottom of the wall underneath the sand blocks. You really need to save the jump for the last second or you won’t get the bandage. Be sure to hold run too, because you’ll need the extra air control to make it back to solid ground.

Warp Zone: Tunnel Vision 3
This bandage is slightly trickier than the previous one, because you need most of the sand wall in tact to climb up to bandage girl. Otherwise, the jump is the same: slide all the way down and wall jump at the last second.

3-10: Breakdown
This bandage isn’t even hidden in plain sight; it’s just in plain sight. The only tricky part is not getting shot by a missile as you grab it. Otherwise, this is a pretty straightforward bandage.

3-11: Box Tripper
This bandage is actually suspended right behind the saws. All you have to do is make it through the wall of saws. While you could thread yourself through two of the saws near the top, it’s just easier to go underneath them. Start wall jumping between two of the buildings and you should be able to get low enough to duck the bottom saw. Once you’re safely behind the saws, just find some architecture to jump off of and collect your bandage.

3-18: The Grundle
As long as you don’t mind making a short detour on your way to Bandage Girl, this bandage is a pretty easy pick-up. The little room Bandage Girl is in doesn’t have a roof once all the lock blocks are gone, so just wall jump up and run along the roof until you reach the bandage.

3-20: White Noise
This bandage requires a dodging missiles and Bandage Girl. There’s a key right behind her that you need to unlock the bandage’s little closet. Be careful when you’re getting that key, though: the missile launcher outside can still hit you in your hidey-hole and Bandage Girl won’t do much to save you from projectiles.

3-3X: The Red Room
All this bandage requires is some foresight. When you make your dash to the right, jump over both the saw and the salt pile and don’t stop jumping: you want as little of the floor to crumble as possible. When you’ve run back to the beginning of the level, thread your jump over the salt and under the saw. From here, run to the wall: you want the rest of the ground to crumble beneath you so you don’t hit your head later. Once you’ve reached the wall, just hold left and wall slide down to the bandage. Wall jumping back up to Bandage Girl shouldn’t be hard with the floor out of the way.

3-5X: Wasp
This one might look dangerous, but it really isn’t. Just make a running leap from the platform with the locked-up key. If you’re having trouble, try using Commander Video.

3-6X: Not You Again
Since this bandage is initially out of reach, you might think you need to slingshot yourself up with a conveyor. Thankfully, it’s not that hard. Stand where the first key was and jump up to the edge of the lip above you. Then wall jump up from there. If slid high enough up the lip, you should get just enough height. As an aside, if you’re having trouble with the last conveyor belt in the top right tossing you into salt, just wall jump off of it.

3-7X: Pluck
If you’ve unlocked a character with better air control than Meat Boy, such as Commander Video, Jill, or The Kid, this bandage is pretty easy. The only thing to look out for is that, since they’re slower than Meat Boy, you should avoid getting the keys at the top of the conveyors: you won’t be able to snag the falling key fast enough. Instead, just hover, glide, or double jump your way over to the keys while they’re still atop the lock blocks.

If you haven’t unlocked any of these characters, you’ll need a near-perfect conveyor fling. To get the ideal trajectory, stand at the very left edge, just above the conveyor, then jump up and very slightly left. As you fall, you want to catch the wall as soon as possible: you need to start wall sliding on the single block above the conveyor. From here, hold run and right and you should just barely clear the bottom saw. If you’re not sure you got it right, let the conveyor fling you up but don’t press a direction. At the height of your jump, check where you are in relation to the two saws. Don’t worry about falling off as you do this: you’ll automatically grab the wall again and slide back down to where you started.

Warp Zone: Kontra 2
It might be hard to access this warp zone (it’s a sprint through 3-8x: Salt Crown), but this bandage is pretty much a freebie. If you can get to Bandage Girl in this level, you can get this bandage. Just get the key in the top right and dodge missiles until all the lock blocks disappear. Once they’re gone, just avoid the saw blade and you’re set.

Warp Zone: Kontra 3
The bandage is actually right under you when you start. The key that unlocks the lock blocks is in the lower left. Just wall jump off the two vertical walls near the top of the stage and you’ll get the height necessary to grab it.

3-14X: Salmon
If you don’t have The Kid or Ogmo unlocked, this bandage is pretty close to impossible. With either of them, it’s an easy double jump to your target.

3-16X: The Chaser
As long as you’re patient, this one’s easy. Just wait for the wall of saws to sweep by, then wall jump up to the bandage. Keep wall jumping up there to dodge the saws one more time before continuing back to Bandage Girl.

3-19X: El Topo
This is a rough bandage, since it requires you to run the missile gauntlet two more times. For starters, leave as many sand blocks in tact as possible. Next step: get the key. It’s on top of the building, to the right. Once you’ve gotten the key, you’ll have to dart back inside for the bandage. The way to get this one is to jump from the right wall just right, so that you just barely poke in the bandage’s alcove. From here, jumping off the left wall should net you the bandage. Assuming you make it past the missiles, be extra super careful with the saws in the conveyor section. Losing your bandage there is sad.