Super Meat Boy Wall Jump

  • Hello World is the first level of the first chapter of Super Meat Boy. As the first level, the only way to die is to jump off the screen so death can only occur on purpose. This level serves to introduce basic controls to the player. Walk over to the higher area and jump to Bandage Girl's platform, or, alternatively, wall jump off the left wall to the platform. Assuming you it optimally, wall.
  • Dec 16, 2017 This is a tool-assisted speedrun of Super Meat Boy in the any% category, with a completion time of 15:32.80 (RTA timing).The run is done on linux on a single input file on a tool called linTAS.

Jan 17, 2016 It's not your play because i can see your meat boy causing mini-splashes as you run, if this wasnt there i might recommend checking your technique but its a technical fault, nothing to do with your play.

Released in October 2010, Super Meat Boy is an independent platforming game designed by Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes. The game is a successor to a successful Flash game from 2008, and tries to present itself with a retro look. Players control a small cube-shaped character called Meat Boy, trying to save his girlfriend Bandage Girl. The game received widespread critical acclaim.

Note: There are three potential categories of IL tables for the game - PC, XBLA, and Meat-Boy only. IL runs for the Meat Boy only category can be done on either system.

Best Light World, Single-segment Time: 0:17:02 by 'vorpal' on 2015-07-02

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Author's comments:

When I pause and then jump really fast, that's a glitch which gives you autofire. Hold jump, hit start, release jump, exit the pause screen with start button or B. The game now considers you to be pressing jump every frame. I play with a PS3 controller (and use the dpad instead of the stick).

So I've played this game for way too long. I was pretty ecstatic to get this time; hopefully you get as much out of the run as I put into it. My estimate for the lowest reasonably-humanly-possible single-segment time w/ current knowledge is about 25 seconds faster with no silly death, less slop, & about 10 seconds worth of strats I didn't do. My 'final' goal is about 15 seconds faster (to take this run from 17:43 rta timing to 17:2x) but I honestly wouldn't mind if I never beat this time. It's a pretty good run.

The remainder of these comments are just gonna be explanations of tech & some basic info. Thanks for watching.


'Perfect' (3-cycle) larry is about a 9.6% chance. No, there's no way to manipulate him. Don't bother getting mad at him, just play better next time.

The A and S keys on your keyboard, when pressed upon completion of a level, advance you to the next level or exit you back to the map without having to mash through the replay screen first. This saves 1 button press at the end of each level. (other keyboard-only functions: backspace exits you back to the map from within the level without having to open the menu, space + W allows you to replay warp zone levels (and obliterate the game with glitches)). I use joy2key to remap them to my controller and to put escape on L1 for easier autojumping.

Sprint jumping. Lets you stay closer to a wall you jump from & walljump faster. The input typically looks like touch wall, let go of run, jump, hold run. It's how you do brownie skip every time w/o dying. This can be used to climb slightly faster up a single wall, but it affects the spacing, timing, & trajectory of your jumps so it's not always a good idea. The same principle can also be applied to jumping from the ground, but this has very limited usefulness.

Spawn jumping. This word refers to one of two things. The first and most common is walljumping off a wall next to you as you spawn, before you touch the ground. The second involves a glitch. If you complete a level touching the floor or a wall, then when you start the next level, on the first frame you have control you'll be able to jump as if you were still touching that floor or wall. Typically this is paired with autojump to make sure you can hit the frame.

Halfblocks. Halfblocks in the game are poorly coded; they're represented in the code as full-size blocks with an asterisk. You often get weird glitchy jumps (wallslides, hopslides, etc) from them, and you can walljump off the edge of where the full block would be, even though there's no visible wall there.

Wallslides. Wallslides have a low random chance of happening on most/all walls. There's a few walls where they have a high random chance. You can also force one every time where a diagonal wall intersects a vertical wall.

Diagonal walls or floors are really silly in general. Try playing around with them sometime. Whether or not you're holding jump as you touch them makes a huge difference. Trying to jump or walljump from them also leads to some weird crap.

There's still no way to manipulate larry.
(.µ.) ) ) ) )


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Mario, driving himself up the wall.

In real life, if you throw yourself at a wall hard enough and spring off quickly enough, you can just about do a Wall Jump, propelling yourself even higher than your original jump. Once, sure. More if you're fit, or a Le Parkour expert like Jackie Chan.

Some Video Game Characters, however, have the speed, strength and stamina to Wall Jump all day. Give them two walls close enough together and they can wall jump repeatedly to climb up the shaft. Some need only one wall, by steering themselves back onto the wall they jumped off at a higher point, then jumping off again. Some video game characters would rather Wall Jump than use the stairs.

Also known as a 'triangle jump', after the path traced during a typical Wall Jump. Part of Jump Physics. May be paired with Running on All Fours and Wall Crawl. Compare Building Swing.


The Ur Examples of this trope were the Sega Master System games Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (1990) and Ninja Gaiden (1992).


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  • In Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, Giana can do this albeit only on certain walls.
  • In La-Mulana, after collecting a certain item, Lemeza can cling onto walls and kick off of them to reach platforms below him that he normally cannot reach. However, he doesn't gain height with wall jumps; wall jumping simply increases his horizontal speed when he falls off the wall.
  • In Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, this was one of the after-Boss power-ups you got, each one being some kind of physical ability (mostly), that helped you advance.
  • Mirror's Edge has the wall jump and the wall run as staples of Faith's movement abilities. However, you can only wall jump or wall run once.
    • It is possible to wall jump more than once if the walls are very close together, but the second jump really doesn't give you much extra height at all, and there's not much point.
  • Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico: Most of Ram's best-scoring gun kills come from springing off a wall, either by jumping into it and flipping back, or walking sideways up it and wheeling in air. Slow-mo is even slower during these moves, giving a higher rate of fire and more time to headshot more skulls. 'King of the Wall!'
  • In Ōkami, Amaterasu can gain purchase on any smooth wall to perform a wall-jump. With the appropriate skills, she can do successive leaps.
  • Used by the protagonist in Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure, perhaps justified by the 'legendary pants' he gains the ability from?
  • Shadow Complex has this as one of the first upgrades, along with grabbing ledges.
  • Louie the Rabbit from Bomberman Hero can do this.
  • Eshe from Sundered has this ability, and she will jump further if the player presses in the direction that she’s jumping. She can also perform Mega Man X-style Wall Kicks in certain windy areas.
  • Misa Nikko from Feathery Ears can jump from wall to wall to get to higher places.
  • Ryu from Ninja Gaiden. Lots of ninja games. In fact, ninjas love this stuff.
    • The original NES trilogy lacked a wall-jump mechanic, but instead had a wall-clinging mechanic. The first Ninja Gaiden game with a proper wall-jump mechanic was Ninja Gaiden (1992) for the Sega Master System. The wall-jump mechanic was then later adopted by the 3D Ninja Gaiden games.
    • One particularly physics defying example requires Ryu to scale a square well by wall running, jumping to the next wall, wall running, jumping to the next wall, and so on. In total, about ten runs and jumps are required, and I don't care if he is a ninja, that's ridiculous(ly awesome).
    • Then there's his ability to scale narrow shafts by repeatedly wall jumping back and forth between the walls.
  • The Ur-Example of this trope was an Alex Kidd game, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, released for the Sega Master System in 1990.
  • Dante from Devil May Cry. However, he can only do this once per try, and it's the only way he can Double Jump until he learns Air Hike (which essentially makes a wall under his feet). Of all the things to be more realistic about...
  • The Matrix series uses this, both in the games and the movies.
  • Almost every video game incarnation of Batman, starting with the first NES game and the Game Boy version of Return of the Joker.
  • The Gunstar Heroes.
  • Strider Hiryu in the Strider series. The NES game had problems with this due to sloppy controls, while the arcade version lets Hiryu cling to the wall with a grappling blade. He gets the blade in Marvel vs. Capcom too, and even uses it for a throw. Ouch.
    • Spider-Man in the same series can naturally jump and stick to walls. His first Super 'Maximum Spider', starts off with him jumping against a wall and kicking off, before crossing the opponent up with a one-man wall-jumping Air Joust.
  • Lara Croft can do this in Tomb Raider: Underworld.
  • In Shinobi III, the player character, Joe Musashi, has this ability. In one of the most grueling platforming sections of the entire Sega Genesis library, you have to use the wall-jump to cross a series of spires over a bottomless pit. Why not just jump on top of the spires? Because of the electric fields on top of each one, of course.
  • In Armored Core 5, they added this.
  • In Final Fight, one of Guy's special attacks is his 'Off-the-Wall' jump. Maki in Final Fight 2 also has this.
  • Super Double Dragon was planned to have this, but since the game was released as an Obvious Beta, the areas where it would be used never got implemented.
Fighting Game
  • In Super Smash Bros. Melee, some of the characters can wall jump. They are: Mario, but not Luigi or Doctor Mario; Fox, Falco, Samus, Captain Falcon, Sheik, but not Zelda; Young Link, but not regular Link; and Pichu, but not Pikachu. Yeah, Pichu. However, all characters can wall-tech jump if hit into a wall.
    • With Pichu out of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Pikachu can wall jump now. Zero Suit Samus, but not Regular Samus, was also added. However, it subverts the trope a bit as wall jumps have diminishing gains in altitude until your feet hit something reasonably horizontal. This goes for everyone now.
      • Just give Lucario a single wall as tall as you want, and he can go from bottom to top in a matter of seconds. Though, he can stick to walls in between wall jumps, so it hardly seems fair.
      • Squirtle, Diddy Kong, and Sheik also have the ability to stick to walls.
  • Sufficiently nimble characters in the Street Fighter franchise (Chun-Li and Vega in Street Fighter II) have this ability. Curiously, it can be used from either edge of the screen, even when the fighters scroll to one side so that one 'edge' is actually empty space.
  • Felicia in Darkstalkers can often jump off and cling to walls, but in true cat fashion, will start to slide down the wall if she stays too long.
  • Much like Felicia, Chipp Zanuff from Guilty Gear can jump off and cling to wall, but he also can perform certain specials from this position.
  • Quinn from Pocket Rumble is able to do this and divebomb his opponents when jumping off.
  • The Hunter from Left 4 Dead is able to do this, though it takes practice and good timing.
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 is a rare FPS example. A wall-jump is performed by jumping near a wall, then 'dodging' in the direction facing away from the wall. This carried on to Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict and Unreal Tournament III.
    • Ups the ante by giving you the ability to Double Jump from wall-jumping.
    • Further enhanced by a mutator called multidodge. This allows for unlimited wall-jumping and, with enough frantic button bashing, wall-running
  • Portal 2 has Repulsion Gel, which normally lets you jump high, but if applied on opposite walls (or a wall and a Hard Light vertical bridge), let you jump off them for greater distance or height (depending on the layout of the walls).
  • In Warsow, wall jumping is an ability which is recommended to master.
  • Mario in every Mario game since Super Mario 64. Super Mario Sunshine made it much easier, as Mario will slide down the wall instead of bouncing his head off it, and the quirk was carried over since. Luigi wasn't that lucky, but he eventually got the ability in New Super Mario Bros..
    • This ability likely originated in the earlier 2D Super Mario Bros. games due to glitchy collision checking. If Mario approaches a wall when his vertical position is just right, he will momentarily land on it, and with quick reflexes, one can jump from it before starting to fall again (due to wall ejection, which is the standard way most 2D games use to compensate for cheap collision checking). They intentionally added it in 3D, and made it much easier.
  • Prince of Persia:
    • Taken to an absurd extent in Prince of Persia (2008). You rarely run more than 10 feet on any given piece of land; most of your travel is done by wall.
    • The Prince in the Sands of Timequadrilogy can employ the inverse of this trope as well: if two walls are far enough apart, he can Wall Jump down the shaft.
  • Ratchet from Ratchet & Clank.
  • Samus in Metroid. Apparently, the ability was taught to her in Super Metroid by some creatures she found in the caves, but she could use it since the beginning. In Metroid: Zero Mission she even keeps this ability when she doesn't have her Power suit.
    • In the Metroid Prime Trilogy (namely Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption), the Screw Attack can be used to this effect on special wall surfaces.
    • Of course, Sequence Breakers have exploited this so you can jump off of the same wall indefinitely. People complained when you couldn't do this in Metroid Fusion.
  • Mega Man X is the king of the Wall Jump. Combined with the ability to change direction mid-air, he can do something called a wall kick, in which he reverses course back to a wall after a wall jump, allowing him to rapidly ascend a single wall by jumping up it. It is quite handy when dealing with bosses with ground-spamming attacks.
    • Zero can also Wall Kick, as can anyone who can transform in the Mega Man ZX series.
    • One of X and Zero's limit breaks in 'Project X Zone has them attack while performing wall jumps... in mid-air, without the wall!
    • Several bosses in the series use this too, like Sigma from the first game, Flame Stag, Neon Tiger, Split Mushroom, Mattrex, Dark Mantis, etc.
    • When playing as Cut Man in Mega Man Powered Up, he has the ability to wall jump, though the game doesn't allow you to use like in other Mega Man games and you slide off icy surfaces.
  • This trope is used in various degrees throughout the Sonic the Hedgehog games:
    • In Knuckles Chaotix, this is Mighty's method of scaling.
    • Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog have the Triangle Jump, where Sonic, Shadow, and Espio have the ability to cling to a wall and use that to jump forward from wall to wall. Espio can cling to the wall indefinitely, while Sonic and Shadow fall down if they don't jump within a few seconds.
      • As a result, their teammates can also do it, but only when controlled by the computer.
    • Starting with Sonic Unleashed, Sonic can use a more traditional Wall Jump, complete with a Mario Galaxy-esque slide down. Though the Xbox 360/Playstation 3 version requires getting the Wall Jump Shoes to use it, the Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2 version and every other 3D game afterwards has it available from the start. In Sonic Generations, it can only be done by Modern Sonic, and only from certain surfaces.
  • Used in a rather weird fashion in Ristar. Ristar can grab onto any surface in the game that isn't spiked or otherwise harmful to touch, but he can't hold on unless there are rungs or other handholds; otherwise, he will slam into it and bounce at an upward angle. However, by grabbing a wall over and over again in rapid succession, it is possible to bounce up the wall. Unlike the typical Wall Jump, only one wall is needed for this, although it can be done with two opposing walls as well. This move is impossible on Planet Freon, presumably because the walls are made of cold, slippery ice that causes Ristar to withdraw his hands in discomfort upon touching it.
  • I Wanna Be the Guy has certain walls you can wall jump off, and lots and lots and lots of other walls that kill you in nasty ways.
  • In N, you control a Ninja whose only real ability is this.
  • The title character in Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure can do this on any wall surface with his suction hands. Walls which happen to be made of ice make it maddeningly difficult, though. Fortunately, those only appear in a few levels.
  • In Heavy Iron games of Spongebob Squarepants games, you can wall jump in very single game as Spongebob.
  • Jumper series. This has become Ogmo's staple ability since Jumper Two.
  • Kirby
    • Kirby's Ninja ability in Kirby Super Star allows him to stick to walls and do a Triangle Jump. Of course, since he has unlimited flight, this is rather useless.
      • However, in Kirby's Return to Dream Land, the Ninja ability returns, and some optional puzzles take advantage of the fact that Ninja Kirby can cling to walls and throw knives from his elevated position.
      • Same in Kirby: Squeak Squad, where Kirby can throw shuriken while sticking to walls; a much better attack overall than his weak air puffs and helpful in rooms full of flying enemies.
    • Kirby's Dream Land 3: Rick the Hamster, to make up for the fact he can't fly, can wall jump indefinitely with any single wall surface.
    • Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards: Rock + Cutter gives the ability for Kirby to carve himself into the shape of his animal friends from Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3; in Rick form, he can wall jump.
  • Toad Man, an example of an enemy of having this ability, abuses it in Rockman 4 Minus Infinity.
  • InMomentum has wall jumps as a core game mechanic.
  • The first game of Fancy Pants Adventures has the wall jump as an unlockable ability for completing a challenge. The sequels retain that ability as part of normal gameplay.
  • In Super Meat Boy, you have so much air control, that you can wall jump on just one wall. Meat Boy can even jump higher from a wall than from the floor. The designers justified it by saying that he 'push[es] with his legs AND his arms'.
  • In Zen Intergalactic Ninja, this is your main mode of travel during the sidescrolling levels, many of which are more vertical than horizontal, and many of your enemies are airborne.
  • Buster has this ability in Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. The game's manual refers to this move as the 'Super Jump'.
  • In The Floor is Jelly, the protagonist has this ability and can even do this to climb up walls similar to the Mega Man examples above.
  • Luigi gains the ability to wall jump with the power of the Atheltic Peach in Something Else
  • The protagonist of 2 gains this ability after finding the Banner powerup.
  • In Rabi-Ribi, the Wall Jump item grants Erina the ability to do up to two wall jumps, with the first upgrade for it granting a third. Utilizing two hidden techniques, Erina can perform two wall jumps without the item. Mastering these techniques is essential for clearing the game without any items.
  • In Akane the Kunoichi, this is necessary for Akane to reach certain areas, including quite a few of the collectables. It's also necessary to defeat the final boss — you can't use it to reach her, but you can use it to get high enough to throw kunais at her.
  • In Ultimate Chicken Horse, characters slide down walls and can jump from this state to reach higher ground. The very loose Jump Physics mean that you can 'climb' walls by wall-jumping, then turning around in mid-air and jumping off the same wall several times.
  • Wall jumping, combined with Wall Run, make up the majority of the action in Yo! Noid 2: Enter the Void.
  • Rena from Grapple Force Rena can jump from wall to wall to get to higher places.
  • Funk Unplugged: Ampy has the power to jump from wall to wall to get up them.
  • In the first Mass Effect, several types of geth units (Ghosts, Hoppers, and Sappers) can do this.
  • Monster Girl Quest has the Demon Skull Beheading technique. The technique is originally used by monsters that can jump very high to perform a downward jump cut on an enemy's head. The protagonist, Luka, is a normal human, so he needs to do a jump-kick on a wall or other environments to make his jump high enough. That's to say, the move is totally unusable if Luka's fighting in a wide open area.
  • In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, this is one of the Flowmotion actions you'll probably be using the most. It's also possible to scale a wall by repeatedly wall jumping up it, Mega Man X style.
Super Meat Boy Wall Jump
  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater calls them Wall Plants where if you directly face the wall and ollie, you can jump against the wall and ride again for some momentum and a few extra points.
Super Meat Boy Wall Jump
  • This is one of Altair's moves in Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles.
  • In Assassin's Creed II, (perhaps only after you get the jump-up-grab ability) you can run up a wall, then jump immediately to your left or right or backwards and grab onto something. It's kinda like an upside down 'L'.
    • The first game has this move as well, but only the run-up-wall-and-kick-off-backwards variant.
  • In the Ghost in the Shell PS2 game, the major difference in play styles between the two characters is that Major Kusanagi can wall jump, up to twice, and Batou can't.
  • Used liberally in Double Action: Boogaloo as it's a send up of Heroic Bloodshed and Gun Fu series. You can jump off of walls... and other players. Players need to jump a lot in order to score 'style points' and look badass.
  • [PROTOTYPE] features the Wall Latch ability that allows you to chain jumps upon contact with any wall, even the same one over and over again.
  • Saints Row IV features this as the main way to scale buildings... until you unlock Wall Sprint, that is.

Non-video game examples:

  • In the film Kiki's Delivery Service, when Kiki's witch abilities start to fail her, she tries to propel herself into the air by kicking off a few buildings. She flies erratically with her 'borrowed' broom, but she still musters enough courage to save Tombo after he falls out of a crashed dirigible.
  • In the supplementary manga set before Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Strikers, Subaru performs one to catch a falling Teana after she accidentally throws the latter waaaay over the wall (and the surrounding rock-formations) during a wall-climbing exercise.
  • RyokoAchakura attempts this in Haruhi-chan 10.
  • Nonomiya, the main character of Nononono, shows off her leg strength by casually Wall Jumping to catch a child's balloon.
  • Kekkaishi. Repeated battle tactic by the protaganists, helped by their abillity to create walls wherever they desire.
  • Captain Tsubasa:
    • Super Karate Goal Keeper Ken Wakashimazu has a triangle jump ability that he jump-kicks a goal post to launch himself further in the air.
    • Masao and Kazuo's Triangle Shot
  • Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The Major is doing a training exercise with some rookies. She evades their surveillance by entering a public bathroom, opening its two-foot-by-two-foot window, and... 0_0 ...Just see for yourself..
  • Gunslinger Girl. Cyborg girl Petra does this during the Turin Nuclear Plant assault.
  • Ninjette and other ninjas from Empowered can do this. Now, if this comic is ever made into a video game...
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (although it demonstrates that Chinese People Can Fly, so partially justified.)
  • This is a regular staple of Jackie Chan movies. In Rush Hour, he uses it to break into the Chinese Consulate's home.
  • It's revealed in Duumvirate that Sarah can do this between walls ten feet away.
  • The Cobras in Timothy Zahn's eponymous series are described training to use this method to descend between buildings, but it's implied that they can do it in the other direction as well.
  • Community: Abed performs a Matrix-style version during the episode Modern Warfare.
  • In the final episode of Season 2 of 24, Jack Bauer does this during the fight in the L.A. Coliseum with Peter Kingsley's goons.
  • In The Breaker, a martial artist attempts this to in order to run away from Chun Woo, who's out to kill him. Not that it works...
  • In Hero Oh Hero, Burk does this to get at Logan when the latter starts flying.
  • Pacem of Lucid Springuses it to get herself up and onto the bear attacking her.
  • Kim Possible and Shego do it, both in the series itself and in some of the games based on the series.
  • In Teen Titans Robin does this, and his walls are falling rocks.
  • In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang wall jumps during the three-way fight 'Chase'. Azula demonstrated an even more impressive technique in 'Day of The Black Sun: Eclipse' (which gets even more awesome once you remember she is not an airbender).
  • The title character of Jackie Chan Adventures.
  • See --this--parkour video. Specifically at 3:10 and 4:45.
  • Australian Rules Football has the 'speccy' (special) — where you literally Wall Jump off another player to catch the ball.
  • Chinchillas can wall jump. Check it out.(first 7 seconds)
  • A squirrel using a successful wall jump to avoid an obstacle course.
  • Cats, given their natural agility and speed, will do this when they feel the need. Or when they're chasing a laser pen.
  • The ringtail (resembles a cat but is actually a member of the raccoon family) can wall jump to climb canyon walls in the American Southwest.
