Super Meat Boy Auto Jump Glitch

Scenery Porn: Both Super Meat Boy and Super Meat Boy Forever have pretty awesome background art. The former's scenery has a 'retro-y' look to it while still managing to be stunning, while the latter's is very colorful and detailed. Also, take a look at this beautiful image from one of the Super Meat World levels. The game sees players taking on the role of a small animated cube of meat named Meat Boy who must save his girlfriend, Bandage Girl, from the evil Dr. Players must use sharp reflexes to guide Meat Boy to the end of each level, using his wall clinging ability, while avoiding buzzsaws, salt, and other various death bringing obstacles.

Super Meat Boy Auto Jump Glitch Free

Super meat boy auto jump glitch free

So these are probably stupid questions, and they've also probably already been asked and answered. If it actually is the case, my bad, sorry

Super Meat Boy Auto Jump Glitch 2

So, why isn't there an Alt 106% category ? Or an Alt dark ending ? These could be sub categories.
Also why isn't Any% divided in 2 categories ? 'Glitchless' or 'legacy' and 'auto-bounce glitch' (or whatever it is supposed to be called)
If there was a Glitchless/legacy Any% category, it would probably encourage more people to try it this way.

I don't want to act like a mod that I'm not or anything, but this is just to get a better idea of people's thoughts about this subject, 2 strawpolls : (multiple choices are allowed for this poll so please be fair-play and don't mess with it)

If the answers to the polls are positive, it's possible the mods consider changing stuff I guess, so yeah, hopefully this will help

Super meat boy auto jump glitch 2017

EDIT : Also I know it would be a huge work for the mods to re-verify every Any% runs to put them in the new sub-categories, but it could still be done. Plus they could 'hire' volunteers to do that, I do believe there would be some (me included).